Welcome back,
I want to share a way to draw in Unity3d editor a cubes based grid that allow you to snap objects in the same position and make a cube grid, like this:

Welcome back,
I want to share a way to draw in Unity3d editor a cubes based grid that allow you to snap objects in the same position and make a cube grid, like this:
A one shot “clone” of NES Duck Hunt made in Unity3D. Is not properly a clone… because is only a one-shot duck and restart.
Well, starting with new tutorials! Unity3D and C# development.
Today we learn an intelligent way to animate a character based on the input Axis(Horizontal / Vertical) starting from a single image, called “sprite“.
First “Hello World” project just to learn Unity3D basics.
A very ugly clone of GravityGuy for iOS, maded in Unity3D using C#. Just to learn something new!