Ma non dormi mai? – Behind Schedipedia


Da piccolo ho sempre seguito il collezionismo in generale grazie alla passione trasmessa da mio padre (monete, banconote, schede telefoniche, francobolli, etc…) poi con gli anni è calato l’interesse in quanto come passione diventava sempre più costosa quando iniziavano a mancare soltanto le rarità…

Ultimamente ho ritrovato a casa dei miei genitori la mia vecchia collezione di schede telefoniche che ho deciso di riprendere in mano.

Ho acquistato dei cataloghi recenti ed iniziato a rimettere tutto in ordine, soltanto che a furia di acquistare involontariamente doppioni ho pensato mi servisse uno strumento per gestire il tutto in maniera facile e veloce.

Nulla di geniale ovviamente ma non essendoci nulla sul mercato ho pensato bene di fare un’app utile al mio scopo.

Inizialmente era solo per iOS (essendo appunto uno sviluppatore principalmente iOS), girava in locale e la usavo soltanto io, dopodiché ho pensato di metterci i “fiocchettini” e l’ho resa disponibile a tutti. Creando in seguito anche la versione per Android.

🔥 Essendo un appassionato collezionista ed un appassionato di sviluppo software mi sono calato nei panni di un full-stackv2.

Al solito visto che non è il mio lavoro principale e il tempo libero durante il giorno è poco, ho con piacere rinunciato a qualche ora di sonno durante le serate invernali…

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Add a custom view on the Status Bar in macOS with SwiftUI

The macOS status bar is a powerful and convenient place to display essential information or provide quick access to your app’s functionality. By default, the status bar displays a standard system icon, but sometimes you may want to create a more customized experience by using your own views. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through how to use a custom view on the status bar in macOS using Swift and SwiftUI.


Before we get started, make sure you have the following:

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Simplifying Data Persistence with Property Wrappers in Swift

In modern software development, data persistence plays a crucial role in preserving and accessing user preferences and app state across sessions. With the release of Swift 5.1, a new feature called property wrappers was introduced, which allows developers to encapsulate and automate common behaviors associated with property access. In this article, we will explore how property wrappers can simplify data persistence using a practical example.

Code Example

Let’s consider a scenario where we want to persist various user settings in our app, such as the user’s name, preferred currency, color scheme, profile picture, and the ID of the latest order placed. We can leverage the power of property wrappers to achieve this in a concise and efficient manner.

Add a property wrapper

In this way we add a @Storable property to use in your application.

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Unlocking the Power of AWS IoT SDK: use MQTT with GPS on iOS

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the way we interact with the world around us. AWS offers a robust suite of services for developing and managing IoT solutions, including the AWS IoT SDK for iOS and Android. In this detailed article, we will explore how to effectively utilize the AWS IoT SDK to create a sample iOS application that leverages MQTT protocol for sending GPS locations.


To get started, you will need the following:

  • An AWS account with access to AWS IoT resources.
  • Basic knowledge of iOS development using the Swift programming language.
  • Familiarity with Android development using either Java or Kotlin.

Step 1: AWS IoT Configuration:

Learn how to configure AWS IoT to establish a seamless connection between your devices and the cloud. Follow these steps:

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Swift – Simple full screen loader


resuming an old post, that help you to create an UIAlert extension to show a modal popup, , I’ve created a new modern implementation that use UIWindow.

The scope is to show a spinner (or a Lottie spinner, or whatever you prefer), centered in the screen with automatic or manually dismission. Background can be blurred or colored, like this screen:

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Debug (and control) your Robotic Arm with iOS

This is my work in progress ~50cm Robotic Arm with 6 AXIS Servo motors, an Arduino and a RaspberryPi (for image recognition in phase 2):

Arduino Robotic Arm 6AXIS iOS controlled

While writing the C++ code in Arduino I found I needed a way to send easily and fast commands to Arduino with my iPhone using Bluetooth.

Basically I need to control my robotic arm using an external device instead of running and running again the code on the Arduino board.

For this reason: I’ve attached a BLE board to Arduino and I have created a simple app (completely written in SwiftUI 😍😎) that use BLE connection to connect to Arduino BLE board and send string commands that are parsed and executed.

Commands sended are like:

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