Swift – Native OCR reader

Starting from iOS 11, Apple introduces a new framework called Vision.

The Vision framework performs face and face landmark detection, text detection, barcode recognition, image registration, and general feature tracking. Vision also allows the use of custom Core ML models for tasks like classification or object detection.


Today we implement with few lines of code one of the simplest features of this beautiful framework, the OCR reader.

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CoreML – Twitter sentiment analysis

Today a post about the new Apple framework – CoreML – a machine learning framework to use your trained data-model inside iOS apps.


Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coreml

The example of today is about machine learning to identify the mood of a collection of tweets (#apple, @apple, #covid-19, #love, etc…).

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Connect to Wifi network from code – Swift

With the NetworkExtension framework, you can customize and extend the core networking features of iOS and macOS. Specifically, you can:

  • Change the system’s Wi-Fi configuration
  • Integrate your app with the hotspot network subsystem (Hotspot Helper)
  • Create and manage VPN configurations, using the built-in VPN protocols (Personal VPN) or a custom VPN protocol
  • Implement an on-device content filter
  • Implement an on-device DNS proxy

The NetworkExtension framework is available in macOS and iOS, but not all features are available on both platforms and some features have specific restrictions (for example, some features only work on supervised iOS devices). The documentation for each feature describes these restrictions.

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XCode – Debug macOS PreferencesPane applications

You need to build a System preference panel extension for your app but you’re unable to debug it from XCode due to Apple System Integrity lock?

Let’s see how!

PreferencePane macOS app extension

But how to debug this extension?

Latest macOS block the execution or the debug of all system application. Now all apps are signed and if you try to attach a debugger you’ll receive this error:

Message from debugger: cannot attach to process due to System Integrity Protection

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