Hi all!!
Today i show how is possible to connect iPhone to Arduino without any Wifi or Ethernet shields!
Here the app that controls 4 leds (green yellow, red and orange), a DC motor with a fan, a piezo speacker and the room temperature with LM32 sensor!

– Arduino with anything you want
– iPhone / iPad / iPod
– A website to host php pages
– An internet connection on pc (Win + Mac)
What you need to know?
– A little bit of electronics
– C language
– C# language
– PHP language
– Objective-C language
In PHP make a stupid page that get in $_REQUEST a command and store it to a file on server!
Three lines of code…
In C# make a web listener that call php page and checks the output. If any condition are verified, send to COM9 the value that you want to get from arduino.
In C from Arduino, in the Loop() read Serial value. If the value respond to your configuration, call LigthUpLed(green) for example!
In Objective-C make an iPhone App with a stupid layout that call in GET your PHP page and send a command!
To make everithink work, run your C# listener app on Windows and from your iPhone send get call to web server!
Now, your nerd app will control arduino!!!
In this example app that i made, i control HIGH or LOW for Four LEDs, a DC Motor, a Piezo Speacker and a Temperature Sensor.
I used resistors, 4 leds, LM32, DC Motor, TIP120, diode, wires, beer.

Rif: albertopasca.it