Lock Your Roll is a new and innovative idea to lock (or unlock) your photos 🖼 directly from your camera roll without removing or moving in another albums! 😍
Now you can give your phone to your friends without worrying about your secret or NSFW photos 😱.
You can download it for your iPhone or if you prefer, for your iPad, it’s free to use!
The idea
Who has never given their mobile phone to a friend to show some photos? 🖼
But your friend start to swipe around your library… PANIC 😱😱😱! Your secret photos are compromised! 🤬
Here the idea, doing a market research, I’ll see tons of app that create secret albums, password 🔑 protected but they are moving the photos from your camera roll to the app itself, yes ok, but I want to maintain the photo in my camera roll, not outside. If I remove the app? I lose all the photos? No, I want a safe way to do this..
Lock Your Roll do exactly this, apply a blur and a logo on top of your photos, editing it in a safe way (rollback history is managed by iOS itself!) and leave the photo as-is in your camera roll.
You can now give you phone to your friends, safely! You secret picture are basically blurred!
Like this 🤩:
Your photo roll, before LockYourRoll Your photo roll, after LockYourRoll
😎Cool right? 😍
Icon history
The first idea is to make a 🎶 rock-n-roll disk 📀, with the films and a blurred side, but was too complex to understand. Lots of experiments without success…
After lots of attempts, my brother draw a draft of a simple Mole, I liked a lot so I created a vectorial reproduction with two version, one with the glasses (with stripes, blinded) and one without glassed (you can see the icon change in app after subscribing 😍…)

And finally the icon was born! 🎉

Now you can download it 📱, use it 🖼, share 🌐 it a leave a good review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!
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